Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Owen

This time 6 years ago, I was admiring my first born child - Owen Glenn Lyford. He was born at 9:20am on October 30, 2003. It is a day I will never forget! I remember telling a co-worker earlier in the week that I was ready for Owen to be here. So, after school that day, we went out for a pedicure. The lady at the pedicure place commented on how "huge" I was. I was like, "gees lady! thanks!". Well, that night I started having contractions but they were sporadic and anywhere from 20-30 minutes apart. The next morning, I go up and dressed and headed to school. Around 9am that morning (Wed., Oct. 29th) I wasn't feeling too hot and called my OB/GYN. She said, let's be safe and come on in. So, we drove down to Conroe (we were in Huntsville at the time). We get in right away and sure enough, I was at 2 cm and having contractions abou 3-5 minutes apart. The dr told me to head to Target and walk for an hour, then report to the hospital.'s orders were followed! At 12noon, October 29th, I was admitted into the hospital. I hadn't had lunch or anything and was STARVING! But NO food was allowed, only those WONDERFUL ice chips! Well, they monitored me through the afternoon and started the petosin at some point that afternoon. My contractions got heavier but I didn't dialate. So...I went through the night and by 7am, my contractions were every 30-60 seconds but I still wasn't dialated past a 2. My doctor came in and the nurse had the nerve to tell her that she thought I could go another few hours to see if I would dialate. I started crying immediately. The contractions were horrible; I had not be allowed to have an epideral because I wasn't dialated enough. I was beyond tired and ready to be un-pregnanted! Well...the doctor basically kicked the nurse out and we had a heart to heart! By 8:30 am, I was being prepped for surgery. At 9am, I was wheeled into the operating room and Owen was delivered at 9:29 am, October 30th, weighing 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long. See...told you it is a day I wouldn't forget! Starting contractions on a Tuesday night and not having him until that Thursday morning was not too good. But...the outcome was WONDERFUL!

In these six years, I have gotten to watch Owen discover many new and exciting things. I truly can't believe he is already 6 years old and in kindergarten. Where, oh where, did the time go? I am posting a picture of when he was born and one that was taken recently. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

School Days

I can't believe tomorrow ends the 4th week of school. Where has the time gone?

Owen is loving kindergarten and really likes his teacher, Mrs. Cox. Everyday is a new day. This summer we had been getting onto him for just "scribbling" and not staying in the lines when he colors. If he takes his time, he does great. But...he usually gets bored and just starts to scribble. Well, this week I have noticed that his coloring is getting a lot better! Thank goodness! He is also learning to read. YES! READ!!! I am so excited. Each week he brings home a new reader that we must read every night for homework. On Mondays, either Steve or I read it to him. Tuesdays, we read it along together with us pointing at the words. By Wednesday, he is reading the book pretty much all by himself. I know he could just be memorizing it, but hey! can't a mom take pride in her little boy reading?!

Eli is doing GREAT in pre-k!!! He absolutely LOVES to color and I am not exaggerating. That boy can color! Hate to admit it, but he does better than big brother. Seriously! He is also getting much better at writing his first name and is learning to spell/write our last name. I am so proud of him!

At times, I feel that I am going through the motions of school. It feels like I just finished making mums for LAST year's homecoming and we are wrapping up THIS year's homecoming mum session in floral design. I love doing it, but 55 students trying to make mums is madness! I wouldn't trade it for the world though!!!! I love teaching the class!

Steve is teaching at WCJC again this year. He has said that it is going really well and the students are more verbal than the previous two semesters. He said he really enjoys the questions and discussions that take place. Last year, he said it was like pulling teeth to get any of the students to talk! Oh well...with time, it will get better!

Well...time to grade papers!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer is almost over; School is almost here...

I can't believe that in less than 20 days my oldest, Owen, will be starting kindergarten. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. All of his polo shirts have been bought, along with new shorts. We have his backpack ready, except for needing to label each and every single crayon, marker, etc. I am NOT looking forward to that! I guess they have to grow up sometime.

Then there is Eli. My precious little Eli, who will be moving up to the Pre-K room on Monday. He is very excited about the move because he will get Owen's teacher from this year. I am happy, too, because Eli will have the same teacher Owen did. It makes me feel better to know that he will be well taken care of.

Other than getting ready for school to start, we are all doing good. I have been doing a lot of scrapbooking, especially here lately. I finally finished our wedding scrapbook and am now working on Eli's first year scrapbook. It is sad to say that Owen's first year scrapbook was done just about a month after he turned one. How bad is that?! Your son's book gets done before your wedding. Gees...oh well! at least I can say it is finished and I just need to get Eli's done!

Until later...