Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer is almost over; School is almost here...

I can't believe that in less than 20 days my oldest, Owen, will be starting kindergarten. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. All of his polo shirts have been bought, along with new shorts. We have his backpack ready, except for needing to label each and every single crayon, marker, etc. I am NOT looking forward to that! I guess they have to grow up sometime.

Then there is Eli. My precious little Eli, who will be moving up to the Pre-K room on Monday. He is very excited about the move because he will get Owen's teacher from this year. I am happy, too, because Eli will have the same teacher Owen did. It makes me feel better to know that he will be well taken care of.

Other than getting ready for school to start, we are all doing good. I have been doing a lot of scrapbooking, especially here lately. I finally finished our wedding scrapbook and am now working on Eli's first year scrapbook. It is sad to say that Owen's first year scrapbook was done just about a month after he turned one. How bad is that?! Your son's book gets done before your wedding. Gees...oh well! at least I can say it is finished and I just need to get Eli's done!

Until later...