Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer is here!!!

Summer is here!!! Can't believe Owen will be a 1st grader and Elijah will be a kindergartner next school year! Where has the time gone?! Got LOTS of plans for the family this summer! Steve's cousin and family are driving down from Virgina in 14 days. Sherrill has lived in Texas but her family has NEVER been to Texas! This should be interesting. We went there last summer and the kids complained that 87-90 degree weather was hot. Wait til they get here. They haven't experienced HOT yet! Taking them to Galveston and San Antonio while here!!! Trying to come up with a "daily schedule" for the boys also! I am NOT going to let them sit in front of the tv all summer! Figured morning cartoons while eating breakfast is ok! Then...sight words, math, etc for a while and "rest" time after lunch!!! We shall see how it goes!!!!

Hope all have a great summer!!!