Saturday, August 21, 2010


Steve's 32nd birthday is coming up towards the end of September and LAST year, he received a gift certificate for a powered-parachute ride at the Wharton Airport. Since the weather has been nice for the majority of this week, he made an appointment to redeem his certificate. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather! Though, I will say, it got pretty HOT pretty quick! Steve had a wonderful ride and said he would do it again!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Magnetic Memo Boards

Well...this summer I decided to try and get crafty! I started making magnetic memo boards. At first, it was just to pass time and make something new to put in my classroom. Then, Steve commented that I should try selling them. So...I am going to take a stab at it and see how it goes. Right now, all boards are $10. As I continue to make more, I will post more pictures. I am also going to work on some "boy-themed" boards as well (i.e. sports, animals, etc.) I can make a board to your liking and make it to fit any color scheme.


Teacher gifts! (School days with busy bee magnets)

Ladybugs all Around!

More boards to come soon!
Enjoy! and if you would like to order one, email me at

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer time fun!

This summer was filled with wonderful moments that we will never forget! We had some many treasure moments this summer!

June: Steve's family from Virgina came to visit us. While here, we took them to Galveston to Stewart Beach. It was so nice being able to park on the beach and have an area that was not very crowded. The boys were able run and play in the water and i knew they were going to be safe. Then, we took them to San Antonio. Josh, their oldest son, is a history buff and wanted to see The Alamo. We also took them on the Riverwalk to experience the atmosphere. It was a fun-filled few days and we were sad to see them go!

July: We was filled with many days of swimming and playing in the summer heat. We also had VBS at our church. The boys always like VBS and this year was "Saddle Ridge Ranch". They both loved being cowboys for a week! We also took the boys to the zoo and decided to become members so that we can enjoy all the wonderful animals all year long!!! I also nursed Cortney, our church's intern, back to health. It started off with her getting into a wreck with an 18-wheeler. Thankfully, the only thing hurt was the car...BIG time! Then, a week later, she had knee surgery to clean up scar tissue, etc. So...we had a pretty relaxing mid-summer month!!!

August: The boys got to meet Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato!!!! They were so excited. They also got to ride a horse at their Uncle Pooh's house and they got to see miniature horses for the first time, up close and personal! I have never seen two happier little boys!

We are now getting ready for school to start! School supplies have been bought and are all labeled. Though I hate to admit it, I am ready for school to start. For one reason, we will have a routine in our house again!!! Seems that as soon as summer started, our routine went out the window! We slept late in the mornings and we to be late at night! I still can't believe my baby will be in kindergarten this year! Owen is super excited about 1st grade and I think Eli is equally excited about Kindergarten!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Where did the summer go?

We had a very busy summer this year! We had family come in from Virginia in June and had a blast. While they were here, we took them to Galveston and of course King's Candy on the strand! Then, we were off to San Antonio for a few days so they could see the Alamo and experience the Riverwalk atmosphere. It was fun having them here and we can't wait to see them again next summer when we meet up in Branson, Missouri!

We also had a fun-filled summer with Cortney, who interned at our church in the youth department. It was so much fun having her here with us for the summer! I had someone to talk to during the day, besides to little boys! It was a blessing in disguise because she also helped me out with the boys when she wasn't working up at the church! We were torn when she had to leave us this past Saturday to head back to Beaumont. But...thank goodness for webcams; we get to see her via video whenever we get the chance! Luckily, the distance between us isn't too far and we can visit her periodically as well!

Now begins the countdown to school starting and I truthfully am not looking forward to the summer ending. Though at times the boys tested their limits with me, I have really enjoyed the summer at home with them! This was the first summer to have them at home because they have gone to daycare every summer before to hold their spots! But...with a soon to be 1st grader and kindergartner on my hands, they both were at home this summer! Like they say, a teacher's favorite months are June, July and August!!!!