Sunday, February 19, 2012

New recipe Sunday...

Well...I don't really remember why I didn't try out a new recipe last Sunday but I DID try one out tonight! It was oh so yummy and the boys LOVED it! I didn't get a chance to make a dessert with it but will be trying out a new dessert hopefully tomorrow. We shall see! It has been super hectic in the Lyford household and I am ready for it to slow down! Yea right! Not until summer, I am afraid of! Oh well...tonight I tried another recipe from Pinterest. I know I have said it before but I am ADDICTED to that place! family benefits from new recipes that I am willing to try out! Tonight I made Cheesy Beef-Corn Chip Skillet. It was SUPER easy to prepare and SUPER YUMMY to eat!!! I will definitely be making this again for my three boys! It was most certainly a success!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Starting something new...

I have decided to start something new today! From now on, HOPEFULLY, I plan to try out new recipes on Sundays. During the week, we are so busy that I usually don't have the time to try out a new recipe. So...starting today, I am going to do that! Thanks to my new-found addiction to Pinterest, I have found LOTS of new recipes that I am wanting to try. Today, I made Eight-Layer casserole with steamed broccoli as our side dish. Afterwards, we finished off with Buckeye Brownies for dessert. All I can say is YUMMY! O and E LOVED it, as well as the hubby and my parents!!! I was totally impressed!!!! Needless to say, it WILL be made again in the future!

(Pictures are courtesy of Pinterest)