Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Summer of Ups and Downs

This summer has been a very busy summer.  I can't believe August is already here, which means I return to work in 21 days.  I have loved being at home this summer, getting to do things with the boys. 

June was a month of winding down from the school year.  We didn't do much of anything but go through closets and clean!  The boys attended the Ricebird Baseball Camp for the second year in a row and LOVED it.  Eli was very proud of himself for not getting overheated and sick like he did last year!!!  I had workshops to attend in Victoria and then did EOC review for the freshman who didn't pass the test. 

July was a bittersweet month.  The first week of July, my Nanie took a turn for the worst.  She stopped eating/drinking and began sleeping about 90% of the day, every day.  We weren't exactly sure how long she was going to be with us.  I went about my daily routine and prepared for VBS at our church, gearing up for my 1st and 2nd graders.  We went several days of thinking "this is the day" but nanie would always pull through. On July 5th, I went for my daily visit to nanie.  Her eyes were open so I rushed up to her.  She tried to talk and I noticed her mouth was really dry.  Mom told me she wouldn't let anyone clean her mouth.  Well, I wasn't going to let that happen.  I asked her sitter for all the supplies and surprised everyone when Nanie allowed me to brush her teeth and get her mouth cleaned up!  Before I left for the evening, I noticed Nanie was still awake.  So, I did as I always did, and went up to her and said "I love you!"  She looked at me for a second and then whispered in the best voice she could, "I love you, too!"  I lost it right then and there.  I knew at that moment, if she didn't make it through the night, I would always know that I was able to tell her "I love you" one last time.  On July 7th, I decided to get a tattoo in her honor.  I got a mauve colored rose tattooed on the inner side of my right leg.  NEVER had I ever thought I would get a tattoo.  We were in Galveston, enjoying a day as a family and I got a "wild hair".  I was going to get guardian angel wings but they were too big.  So, I decided on the rose.  Mauve  - Nanie's favorite color and a rose - her favorite flower.  Well, we got home that Saturday evening and of course, I went and showed her the tattoo on Sunday.  Though she couldn't comprehend what I was saying, I was able to explain my reasoning for doing it.  She will always be with me!  Well, fast forward to Tuesday, the 12th.  I got a call from my mom, saying Nanie wasn't doing good and to come up to Wincrest but leave the boys with a friend.  I rushed to Wincrest and got there around 12:45pm.  For the next hour, we prayed over Nanie and waited.  It was shortly thereafter that Nanie took her last breath.  Though it was very hard being there when she passed, it was also very comforting to know that I got to be with her until the very end.  I look back on it now and think about a few things.  It had been pouring down rain all day long.  Then, around 1:30pm, the rain let up.  I think Nanie was waiting for the rain to stop so her hair wouldn't get messed up!  :)  She was always dressed to the best and did NOT like getting her hair messed up!  The same thing happened for her funeral.  It had been raining like crazy but it stopped the day of her funeral and was nice and sunny. 

The month of August brings us much happiness!  On the 10th, Steve is leaving WCEC to take a full-time professor position with WCJC.  He will be teaching computer science classes at the Wharton, Richmond and Sugar Land campuses.  We can't wait for this new chapter of our lives to begin.  The boys and I are looking forward to having Steve home more often and being able to take mini-vacation trips on the weekends without having to worry about him being on-call!  We are gearing up for our summer vacation in a couple of weeks and can't wait to surprise the boys. They know we are going on vacation, but have NO clue as to where we are going!!!!  I'll be sure to post pics after we get back!!!!

Until then...enjoy what's left of your summer!
Stephanie :)