Saturday, October 15, 2011

Those who make a difference...

People come and go through your life and some become friends for a life time. There are a few people in my life that I could never life without. Of course, there are the obvious - God and my family.

I could NEVER live without God in my life. He is my #1 and is ALWAYS there for me! He never fails me and will get me through everything that I face.

Steve - my soul mate...This past Monday was 11 years that we have been together. They have been the BEST 11 years of my life. We went on our first date on October 10, 2000. I had him over for my mom's king ranch chicken and he brought the movie, 28 days. From that day on, we were inseparable. The following April, on the 10th, he proposed to me. Yes, you did the math right...6 months after we started dating, Steve got down on one knee and asked for my hand in marriage. I really don't know if he asked me to marry him because I was crying and screaming. I guess he asked that question because we got married the following March, on the 23rd, of 2002. Though we have been through our fair share of trials and tribulations, we have never left each others side. Steve is ALWAYS there for me and I for him.

My Pride and Joy - O and E - what can I say? They are my pride and joy!!! This weekend, I have been down with a stomach bug (or at least I hope that is all that it is). Both boys are always checking on me, making sure I am ok. Eli always giving me hugs and Owen not arguing as much as he usually does!!!

My parents - are always there for me! ALWAYS!!! I love them so, so much!!!!!
My brother - wow! a DOCTOR!!! Though I'm sure he gets annoyed with all my medical questions, he is always there for me when I am in a panic!!! Love you lil' bro!!!

Then there are two people that are my BFFs - Angela and Kate. I don't know what I would do without them. I can call on them for anything! Like yesterday, when I left school at lunch to come home because I couldn't stand the pain any longer. I texted Kate to see if she could sub for me, but had a house full of kids or she would have been there in a heart beat. I then talked to Angela about watching the kids but forgot they were headed to Dallas for Muddy Buddy. Well...God works in mysterious ways. Angela texted that they weren't leaving until Saturday (today). She was able to watch the boys until Steve got off. Kate sent me a message, seeing how I was feeling. Angela sent multiple texts seeing how I was feeling. These two girls are my BFFs. I can't even put into words what I would do without them. I love these two girls. We were brought together by our children (who are BFFs)and have become the best of friends because of that.

And then there is Holly - my sister! We can go days without talking to each other, but pick up right where we left off. I can tell Holly anything and her the same. We think very similarly and talk just the same. We are often confused for being twins or at least sisters!! I remember at Owen's birthday last year, my father-in-law went up to Holly from behind and gave her a hug, thanking her for inviting us. The whole time, he thought he was talking to me! He was shocked when he looked at her and realized it wasn't me! Yes! we do favor a whole lot!!!

If you are still reading this, I am sure you are bored. Or, you are one of the above mentioned and now you know how I truly feel!!! These are the ones I cherish the most!!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Stephanie..thanks for reading my blog and playing the game for my giveaway. I'm giving both of you a cookbook, but I need you to email me so I can send you the instructions to download. Thanks again and hope you and the family are doing well!
My email is