Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday cooking!

Boy! this past week has been crazy! Last Monday was the start of baseball for Owen. It was also set up for our annual Pack 196 Blue and Gold Banquet. Tuesday, Steve had class and the boys & I enjoyed an award-filling evening at the banquet. Wednesday, the boys had their weekly church activities. Thursday, t-ball season started for Eli. Poor guy is the only one of his friends still playing baseball because of his age. Owen and their two other buddies all play pee wee, machine pitch. Oh well! All the kids on Eli's team are his size so he is excited!!! Friday, we had dinner with our fabulous friends . Saturday, I took my floriculture teams to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo for their floriculture contest. I am happy to say that we brought home 16th and 17th place individuals and one team got 8th place out of 81!!! Today...I rested and relaxed. But! I did find time to try out two new recipes. I know I have said it before...Pinterest is addicting! At least I find new recipes!!! For supper, I made Beef Taco Salad and followed with homemade Twix bars for dessert. BOTH were super hits with Steve and the boys! I will definitely be making them again in the future!!!

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