Tuesday, September 28, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 2

Ok! So I was going to take off on the weekends and work out Monday-Friday. Things were extremely crazy yesterday so my buddy and I did the 30 day shred today. (Her first day, my second day) Anyways...I must say that I am not feeling as sore this evening as I did the first go around on Saturday! Also, at the end, I was panting and gasping for air. Not bad, I must admit! I will say, though, that I headed straight to the shower because I felt like a slick pig! That workout is HARD! My legs felt like jello by the end of the 20 minutes, but hey! that is a good thing, right?! I think I am going to incorporate walking into my workout routine so I can get more cardio in. We shall see how that goes! I am sure I will be sore tomorrow but I know that is a good thing....right?

Well...until tomorrow...or Thursday....Have a GREAT day!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels

Day 1

Well, I have taken the "30 Day Shred" challenge with Jillian Michaels. I just did Level 1 and am ready to pass out. My back is hurting, my legs are jello. (Guess I should have waited to do this when my pulled back muscles were better but who knows when that will happen.) For those of you not familiar with it, it is a 20 minute workout that starts with a 2 minute warm-up, three circuits of 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs, and then a 2 minute cool down. After the first circuit, I was ready to quit. But, I endured the burn and kept going. After the 2nd circuit, I was ready to pass out. Forget the burn, I was ready to stop. However, I kept going. In the end, I hurt all over but I know it is a good hurt and burning because in 30 days, I will see results. Well, actually, I hope to start seeing results before 30 days. But....I need YOUR help! After today, I really don't know if I can do it again tomorrow and the next 29 days for that matter. Anyone out there want to take the challenge with me? I could really use an accountability partner on this!

Until tomorrow....have a great Saturday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What to do? what to do?

So...Steve's birthday is tomorrow and I have NO CLUE as to what to get him. When I asked him, he said "gift cards to the Apple Store. I want to get an iPad." Well...I am NOT getting him a gift card; his family can do that! I want to get him something special. I need ideas! We went to the Astros game this past Sunday, which is something he wanted for his birthday. But...I hate for that to be his only birthday present. MAN! What do you get a husband for his 32nd birthday?! HELP!!!!