Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Star and catching up...

Meet Eli, a Buck all-star!!!

Eli had his very first ever t-ball game last night and he had a blast! I absolutely LOVE t-ball!!! Those little 5 & 6 yr olds running all over the field are hilarious!!! Steve and I had to meet one of the other moms at the field with Eli because I had an appt out of town. When we got there, and were changing Eli into his uniform, it became known that his pants were way too big! And...Gramps (Steve's dad) forgot the belt! So...PopPop (my dad) came to the rescue with rope and I got two safety pins from another team member's grandma!!! Gramps ran to the house and grabbed the belt...the WRONG belt! Poor Eli! We got it to work though and Eli was ready to play ball!!! On the field, Eli played 2nd base! He said he didn't want to move from his spot because he was afraid his pants would fall down. HAHA!!! Needless to say, mommy will be going to Academy and getting him a much SMALLER size of pants this weekend! As the season progresses, more pics will come. Owen has his first game next week so there will be a pic of him after his first game next Monday!!!!

In other news....I survived my A.C.T.S retreat this past weekend! All I can say is one word...AWESOME!!! God is good!!! all the time!!! God is Good!!! I will admit that I had an anxiety attack Thursday night and was ready to come home. By lunch on Friday, just as my mom said, I become comfortable with those around me and really enjoyed the rest of the weekend!!! I met lots of new friends that are now my sisters in Christ forever!!! If you have never been on an A.C.T.S. retreat, you should go!!! My parents and my husband have all gone and now I have too! I highly recommend that EVERYONE go! It is the most awesome opportunity ever!!!!!

Until later....have an AWESOME week!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A.C.T.S. retreat

I was selected to attend the March 2011 women's A.C.T.S. retreat this coming weekend. Steve has attended one before, as well as both of my parents. I am a bit hesitant and anxious about this weekend, seeing as that I am not Catholic, I am Baptist! Over a month ago, a co-worker emailed me the information about it. Normally, I just blow invitations off but I read through it and it touched my heart. I knew God was trying to tell me something. I have been really depressed lately, doing all that I can to make my family happy and make sure all is going smoothly, and I haven't done anything for myself. After talking to my co-worker and praying, I decided to fill out the form. I continued to pray about it and God kept telling me that I need to go and do something for myself. Well, on February 22nd, I received a letter in the mail, stating that I was selected as a retreatant. I was both excited and nervous. What if I don't know anyone else going? Will the boys be ok without mommy for a few days since they have NEVER had mommy leave them before for more than one night? What about all of the "Catholic" rituals/traditions? Will I look awkward since I am Baptist and probably one of the only non-Catholics attending? I realized that satan was just trying to pull me down and get me to not go. Yes, I know people going; several who are on the team! Yes, the boys will be fine; it may be harder at night time, but they will be busy during the day! Rituals/traditions? go with the flow and don't let it get to me! I may NOT be the only non-Catholic there; it doesn't matter. God loves us all the same. So there, satan! You are NOT going to pull me down; I AM going on this retreat this weekend! Am I still anxious and nervous? YES! that is just my nature. Will I be ok? YES! God is watching over me every minute of the day!

So...tomorrow evening, I will be packing my stuff and getting ready to leave on Thursday afternoon after school. I am sure I will forget something, or forget to tell Steve something, but it will be ok. My biggest fear is being without my phone! My phone goes everywhere I go...SERIOUSLY! There goes satan again...beating at my door! I will NOT let him drag me down. I WILL survive a few days without contact with others via my phone and Facebook! I just need prayers to get over that fear!

God Bless and Terrific Tuesday!!!!

Weight Watchers

Well, I jumped on the Weight Watchers bandwagon last month and am proud to say that I have lost close to 5 lbs this past month! I was really hoping to have lost more, but I guess I can't complain. My clothes are getting looser and looser and I can't wait to be able to fit into a smaller jean/pant size! One of my students, who eats in my room on a regular basis, commented that I was looking really good! I didn't think anyone had noticed! I felt really good after her comment! I have gotten to where I really like the Weight Watchers Smart Ones and have been eating LOTS of fruit since they are zero points! I have also come across some really yummy WW desserts. Last week was really hard, being on spring break. I didn't exercise at all last week. Man! could I tell when I got on the scale yesterday. Though I did lose a little, it was nothing compared to weeks before. So, last night, I got on the treadmill and walked a mile, while watching Dancing with the Stars!!! Hope to get back in the routine of walking every day; even if it means walking on the treadmill and not outside. I have thought of starting Zumba but am a little hesitant to do that. Don't really know why, though. I am a little self-conscious and don't want to make a fool of myself, I guess!

Other than starting a diet for the first time ever, all is going great! Hope all of you are having a terrific Tuesday!