Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Star and catching up...

Meet Eli, a Buck all-star!!!

Eli had his very first ever t-ball game last night and he had a blast! I absolutely LOVE t-ball!!! Those little 5 & 6 yr olds running all over the field are hilarious!!! Steve and I had to meet one of the other moms at the field with Eli because I had an appt out of town. When we got there, and were changing Eli into his uniform, it became known that his pants were way too big! And...Gramps (Steve's dad) forgot the belt! So...PopPop (my dad) came to the rescue with rope and I got two safety pins from another team member's grandma!!! Gramps ran to the house and grabbed the belt...the WRONG belt! Poor Eli! We got it to work though and Eli was ready to play ball!!! On the field, Eli played 2nd base! He said he didn't want to move from his spot because he was afraid his pants would fall down. HAHA!!! Needless to say, mommy will be going to Academy and getting him a much SMALLER size of pants this weekend! As the season progresses, more pics will come. Owen has his first game next week so there will be a pic of him after his first game next Monday!!!!

In other news....I survived my A.C.T.S retreat this past weekend! All I can say is one word...AWESOME!!! God is good!!! all the time!!! God is Good!!! I will admit that I had an anxiety attack Thursday night and was ready to come home. By lunch on Friday, just as my mom said, I become comfortable with those around me and really enjoyed the rest of the weekend!!! I met lots of new friends that are now my sisters in Christ forever!!! If you have never been on an A.C.T.S. retreat, you should go!!! My parents and my husband have all gone and now I have too! I highly recommend that EVERYONE go! It is the most awesome opportunity ever!!!!!

Until later....have an AWESOME week!!!!!

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