Saturday, December 24, 2011

A SHSU Bearkat Family!!!

For our Christmas pictures this year, we decided to go with a SHSU Bearkat theme! Steve and I are both graduates of '01 and '03. So far, the boys both want to attend Sam Houston State!!! We hope that continues as they get closer to that time! We shall see. Our photographer, Amanda Freeman Photography in Rosenberg, did a fabulous job. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Way to go, Bearkats!!!

Though I couldn't be at the game, I DID keep up with the score....which ended up 49-13 Kats!!! Next weekend, we play in the semi-finals. I would LOVE to go to the game and am trying my hardest to make sure that happens!!! I am VERY proud to call myself a SHSU alumni '01 and '03!!!

Eat'em up, Kats!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Eat'em Up, Kats!!!

Steve and I are both graduates of Sam Houston State University. While at Sam, I went to only a handful of football games because it just wasn't my cup of tea. Well...I am VERY proud to say that the Sam Houston Bearkats are the ONLY college team in Texas that is still undefeated and is one of only two in the nation that is still undefeated. Tomorrow, the Bearkats will play against Montana State in the quarter finals. I am so excited. I really wish that I could be at the game, but already have prior commitments. Darn! Oh well...I WILL be following on the ESPN app.

Eat-em up Kats!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Those who make a difference...

People come and go through your life and some become friends for a life time. There are a few people in my life that I could never life without. Of course, there are the obvious - God and my family.

I could NEVER live without God in my life. He is my #1 and is ALWAYS there for me! He never fails me and will get me through everything that I face.

Steve - my soul mate...This past Monday was 11 years that we have been together. They have been the BEST 11 years of my life. We went on our first date on October 10, 2000. I had him over for my mom's king ranch chicken and he brought the movie, 28 days. From that day on, we were inseparable. The following April, on the 10th, he proposed to me. Yes, you did the math right...6 months after we started dating, Steve got down on one knee and asked for my hand in marriage. I really don't know if he asked me to marry him because I was crying and screaming. I guess he asked that question because we got married the following March, on the 23rd, of 2002. Though we have been through our fair share of trials and tribulations, we have never left each others side. Steve is ALWAYS there for me and I for him.

My Pride and Joy - O and E - what can I say? They are my pride and joy!!! This weekend, I have been down with a stomach bug (or at least I hope that is all that it is). Both boys are always checking on me, making sure I am ok. Eli always giving me hugs and Owen not arguing as much as he usually does!!!

My parents - are always there for me! ALWAYS!!! I love them so, so much!!!!!
My brother - wow! a DOCTOR!!! Though I'm sure he gets annoyed with all my medical questions, he is always there for me when I am in a panic!!! Love you lil' bro!!!

Then there are two people that are my BFFs - Angela and Kate. I don't know what I would do without them. I can call on them for anything! Like yesterday, when I left school at lunch to come home because I couldn't stand the pain any longer. I texted Kate to see if she could sub for me, but had a house full of kids or she would have been there in a heart beat. I then talked to Angela about watching the kids but forgot they were headed to Dallas for Muddy Buddy. Well...God works in mysterious ways. Angela texted that they weren't leaving until Saturday (today). She was able to watch the boys until Steve got off. Kate sent me a message, seeing how I was feeling. Angela sent multiple texts seeing how I was feeling. These two girls are my BFFs. I can't even put into words what I would do without them. I love these two girls. We were brought together by our children (who are BFFs)and have become the best of friends because of that.

And then there is Holly - my sister! We can go days without talking to each other, but pick up right where we left off. I can tell Holly anything and her the same. We think very similarly and talk just the same. We are often confused for being twins or at least sisters!! I remember at Owen's birthday last year, my father-in-law went up to Holly from behind and gave her a hug, thanking her for inviting us. The whole time, he thought he was talking to me! He was shocked when he looked at her and realized it wasn't me! Yes! we do favor a whole lot!!!

If you are still reading this, I am sure you are bored. Or, you are one of the above mentioned and now you know how I truly feel!!! These are the ones I cherish the most!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Where, oh where, has Summer 2011 gone?

Here it is, August 3rd, and I am wondering where the summer has gone? Well...I know exactly where the Lyford summer has gone!

June - Week 1 was EC baseball camp, week 2 was cub scout camp, week 3 was a conference for me, and week 4 was vacation bible school. That was the entire month!!! YIKES!!! We did enjoy a trip to San Antonio and Sea World , which was really nice!!! The boys LOVED feeding the dolphins and seeing Shamu!

July - was a lot milder!!! I had a few Scenty parties, just as I did in June, but the boys didn't have to be anywhere special!! It was very nice because the boys were able to spend some MUCH needed time with their buddies!!!

The start of August means school time is in the air. I hate to admit but I am ready for a routine! The boys and I have been going to bed WAY too late and sleeping WAY to late the next morning! It has been nice, though!!! I haven't gone to my classroom yet, but I can honestly say that I left my room in perfect shape to return this month! I might sneak up there next week, but we shall see!!! Until next are some pics from our wonderful summer!

Eli ready to shoot the BB gun!
Owen making a homemade bird seed feeder!
yes! I was the only leader to go on the HUGE slip-n-slide! It was awesome!!!
Visiting the well at the Alamo
Ready to feed the dolphins at SeaWorld!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Scentsy Independent Consultant

That's right! I am now a Scentsy Consultant!

With times like they are now and rising gas prices, we can't do all that we normally would like to do and enjoy! So...I decided to become an Independent Consultant for Scentsy! I am super excited about this new venture and hope that I can enjoy a mani and pedi every once in a while with my earnings!!!

If you are ever in need of a new warmer to compliment a room in your house, or just want a new scent to make your house smell SCENTsational, give me a call or visit my personal website -!!!!

I have my Grand Opening Launch party tomorrow afternoon at my parents' house and will be taking orders for it through next Wednesday, April 20th. Take a look and enjoy shopping!! Mother's Day and high school/college graduation are just around the corner!!!!

Have a SCENTSational day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hey! Batter, Batter, Batter!!!

Baseball season is in full swing at the Lyford household! Every week, Owen has two pee-wee games and Eli has one t-ball game! So...I am doing LOTS of laundry every day, making sure the right uniforms are clean! It gets confusing because both boys have the same color shirt and socks; only difference is that E has grey pants and O has white pin-striped pants! I am not going to complain, though, because both boys are having a GREAT time! I have always enjoyed t-ball because it is so entertaining! Pee-wee league, however, is a bit more competitive. Owen wasn't too happy last night because he didn't even hit the ball. We told him it is a lot harder to hit the ball coming at you from a pitching machine and that we are VERY proud of him no matter what! Needless to say, we are having a blast and staying busy, busy, busy!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Difference between Friends and Family

There comes a time when your friends become your family! and I absolutely LOVE it! When we moved to El Campo in April of 2008, I was coming back home while Steve was stepping out of his comfort zone and "moving to the country"! I was so happy to be back home and Steve was happy to be away from the busy-ness of city life! However, moving to El Campo meant leaving our friends in Rosenberg whom we had grown to love like family! I started working at the school and Steve started working at WCEC. We started attending my home church - First Baptist - and got to know a few people that I didn't know when growing up there! (I had been away for TEN years!) The boys also started attending daycare and quickly made friends with a few little boys, which brings me to the reason for this post!

Owen and Eli met their best buddies - Taylor and Luke - at daycare in 2008. At the time, I figured that once school started, the boys would go separate ways unless they were placed in the same class at school. Well...though they have been placed in different classes, they are still best buddies!!! and with that, the parents have become the best of friends too! I now consider them to be family, not just friends! When it comes to friends, you always want your house to be perfect before they arrive for whatever the occasion is. With family, on the other hand, it doesn't matter what your house looks like, they are going to come in anyways and make themselves at home! If the house was nice and neat, they would wonder why! I love my extended family!

We have started getting together with our families every other week. One of us cooks the main dish while the others bring sides and dessert! Along with the meal, there is some sort of board game involved, which the guys aren't always thrilled about but will go along with the women to make us happy!!! While the adults are shooting the breeze with each other, the kids are running around outside, playing and yelling at each other as though they were all brothers. It is awesome!!! I absolutely love it! I really hope that our children stay friends for a life time. They better because if not, the parents are going to be highly upset!!! As long as they don't all start chasing after the same girl when they are older, I think we are safe!!! HaHa!!! conclusion of the difference between friends and family...Friends - you try your best to look and do the best; family - you can be yourself and not hide anything! You can be normal! whatever that is :)

Adios for now!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Star and catching up...

Meet Eli, a Buck all-star!!!

Eli had his very first ever t-ball game last night and he had a blast! I absolutely LOVE t-ball!!! Those little 5 & 6 yr olds running all over the field are hilarious!!! Steve and I had to meet one of the other moms at the field with Eli because I had an appt out of town. When we got there, and were changing Eli into his uniform, it became known that his pants were way too big! And...Gramps (Steve's dad) forgot the belt! So...PopPop (my dad) came to the rescue with rope and I got two safety pins from another team member's grandma!!! Gramps ran to the house and grabbed the belt...the WRONG belt! Poor Eli! We got it to work though and Eli was ready to play ball!!! On the field, Eli played 2nd base! He said he didn't want to move from his spot because he was afraid his pants would fall down. HAHA!!! Needless to say, mommy will be going to Academy and getting him a much SMALLER size of pants this weekend! As the season progresses, more pics will come. Owen has his first game next week so there will be a pic of him after his first game next Monday!!!!

In other news....I survived my A.C.T.S retreat this past weekend! All I can say is one word...AWESOME!!! God is good!!! all the time!!! God is Good!!! I will admit that I had an anxiety attack Thursday night and was ready to come home. By lunch on Friday, just as my mom said, I become comfortable with those around me and really enjoyed the rest of the weekend!!! I met lots of new friends that are now my sisters in Christ forever!!! If you have never been on an A.C.T.S. retreat, you should go!!! My parents and my husband have all gone and now I have too! I highly recommend that EVERYONE go! It is the most awesome opportunity ever!!!!!

Until later....have an AWESOME week!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A.C.T.S. retreat

I was selected to attend the March 2011 women's A.C.T.S. retreat this coming weekend. Steve has attended one before, as well as both of my parents. I am a bit hesitant and anxious about this weekend, seeing as that I am not Catholic, I am Baptist! Over a month ago, a co-worker emailed me the information about it. Normally, I just blow invitations off but I read through it and it touched my heart. I knew God was trying to tell me something. I have been really depressed lately, doing all that I can to make my family happy and make sure all is going smoothly, and I haven't done anything for myself. After talking to my co-worker and praying, I decided to fill out the form. I continued to pray about it and God kept telling me that I need to go and do something for myself. Well, on February 22nd, I received a letter in the mail, stating that I was selected as a retreatant. I was both excited and nervous. What if I don't know anyone else going? Will the boys be ok without mommy for a few days since they have NEVER had mommy leave them before for more than one night? What about all of the "Catholic" rituals/traditions? Will I look awkward since I am Baptist and probably one of the only non-Catholics attending? I realized that satan was just trying to pull me down and get me to not go. Yes, I know people going; several who are on the team! Yes, the boys will be fine; it may be harder at night time, but they will be busy during the day! Rituals/traditions? go with the flow and don't let it get to me! I may NOT be the only non-Catholic there; it doesn't matter. God loves us all the same. So there, satan! You are NOT going to pull me down; I AM going on this retreat this weekend! Am I still anxious and nervous? YES! that is just my nature. Will I be ok? YES! God is watching over me every minute of the day!

So...tomorrow evening, I will be packing my stuff and getting ready to leave on Thursday afternoon after school. I am sure I will forget something, or forget to tell Steve something, but it will be ok. My biggest fear is being without my phone! My phone goes everywhere I go...SERIOUSLY! There goes satan again...beating at my door! I will NOT let him drag me down. I WILL survive a few days without contact with others via my phone and Facebook! I just need prayers to get over that fear!

God Bless and Terrific Tuesday!!!!

Weight Watchers

Well, I jumped on the Weight Watchers bandwagon last month and am proud to say that I have lost close to 5 lbs this past month! I was really hoping to have lost more, but I guess I can't complain. My clothes are getting looser and looser and I can't wait to be able to fit into a smaller jean/pant size! One of my students, who eats in my room on a regular basis, commented that I was looking really good! I didn't think anyone had noticed! I felt really good after her comment! I have gotten to where I really like the Weight Watchers Smart Ones and have been eating LOTS of fruit since they are zero points! I have also come across some really yummy WW desserts. Last week was really hard, being on spring break. I didn't exercise at all last week. Man! could I tell when I got on the scale yesterday. Though I did lose a little, it was nothing compared to weeks before. So, last night, I got on the treadmill and walked a mile, while watching Dancing with the Stars!!! Hope to get back in the routine of walking every day; even if it means walking on the treadmill and not outside. I have thought of starting Zumba but am a little hesitant to do that. Don't really know why, though. I am a little self-conscious and don't want to make a fool of myself, I guess!

Other than starting a diet for the first time ever, all is going great! Hope all of you are having a terrific Tuesday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pack 196 Cub Scout Cake Auction

Since Owen is in 1st grade, he had the opportunity to join cub scouts this year. He was very eager to do so and has loved every bit of it. Two weeks ago, Pack 196 held their annual cake auction. Owen and Steve decided to make a marble cake, decorated like a baseball field. It was really hard for me to just sit back and watch the guys take over but it turned out really well. Owen ended up winning 2nd place in the Best Sports Theme category. We are VERY proud of him!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Tribute to Buddy

Buddy....good ol' Buddy...what can I say about the basset hound whom LOVED to bark! He would bark at the wind; bark at a tree; bark at his own shadow! Even a bark-control collar didn't keep him from barking. did for the first bit but then he would get used to the high pitched sound and bark anyways! Buddy, though he may have been 3 1/2 years old, was still a puppy at heart. Whenever let out of his pen to run and play, he would always run and jump on Owen, wanting to play. Buddy would never go far; even when Missy tried to get him and Dot to wander down the road a bit!

This past Saturday, Buddy was killed. We do not know exactly what happened, but we speculate that he was attacked by a pit bull that has been seen in the area. Buddy wasn't just any ol' dog. He was Owen's dog. Owen loved that dog to pieces. He would talk to Buddy every time he was outside by the dog pen. Any time we were at the store, he wanted to get Buddy something, anything. He didn't care if Missy and Dot, the other two hounds, got anything; he was only concerned with getting Buddy something. Saturday afternoon we had gone into Rosenberg and had stopped by Petco. I wanted to just run in and get a couple of necessary items for our guinea pig. Well...on the way out, Owen insisted that we get Buddy some Valentine's doggy treats. We told him he could only get treats if he got enough for Missy and Dot, too. "Fine...but I get to pick out Buddy's treats!" So...we came home with treats. Well...Saturday night, Steve found that Buddy was missing. After much searching, Steve found him. Sunday morning we had to break the news to Owen. At first, he seemed to be ok. Well...I was WRONG! After church, Owen was in a very bad mood. I sent him to his room because I was tired of his behavior. After a few quick minutes of cooling off myself, I sat Owen on my lap and asked what was wrong and why he was acting the way he was. His response was, "Buddy died. MY dog died. I don't get to give him his treats." and then we both started crying. I will forever have that etched in my mind of when it finally hit Owen that Buddy is no longer with us.

Since this has happened, Owen has gone out to play with Missy and Dot every day after school. He takes both girls a few treats and chew bones. While they eat, both Owen and Eli talk to the girls and play around in the dog pen for a few minutes. It's odd how I don't remember Owen doing that when Buddy was with us. He would always stand on the outside of the kennel. Haha! Maybe its because he knew Buddy would jump on top of him. Who knows? Anyways...I just wanted to blog about this so that years down the road, Owen will be able to look back at this and see that he isn't the only one who misses Buddy...Mommy misses that loud barking dog, too!

We miss you Buddy. Rest in Peace